Client Testimonials

We believe that the best way to judge our quality and the impact of our services is to hear from our clients. Explore the testimonials below to discover how our tailored solutions have transformed leadership and organizational success for our valued clients.

"The APLA program opened my eyes to who I am and what direction I wanted to take in my professional life. Yes, the lectures were fantastic and the TLD team was superb -- but the action learning projects with my core team of six physicians brought me together with people like and unlike me. The opportunity to meet with executive leaders from across the organization granted me access to some of the thought leaders in modern healthcare... I had a better perspective on my work, my mission, and... I know that I will be a better leader for having taken part in this program and I would recommend it to anyone interested in developing a future generation of leaders."


Lee Jablow, MD, Tower Health APLA Class of 2020
Director, Safety Surveillance Physician, Johnson & Johnson

"As a result of working with TLD Group, our overall Press Ganey physician ratings increased from the 30th to the 66th percentile. In reflection, the group work and team projects were brilliant in that they embedded the leadership skills into small groups which helped move the culture of the organization much faster than “just attending class.” As a physician, we often have ideas, but we don’t have the tools to integrate and participate in the organization. This experience was very eye-opening and impactful to our physicians.

Palomar Health

Duane Buringrud, MD
Chief Physician Leadership Officer at Palomar Health

"I found my coaching to be an immensely valuable experience, and would highly recommend it to others. I learned helpful techniques to help navigate complex situations and I learned to better understand other people’s motivations. Additionally, I learned to level set and make sure everyone understood the information before discussing solutions. Lastly, I learned a lot about myself, what drives me, what my values are, how I show up and why. I am a better leader today because of this program. I am also a better person – more self-aware and with a deeper understanding of what drives my viewpoints. I had a terrific coach, and I will be forever grateful for his guidance and support."


Jeff Bornstein
Deputy Head of Clinical Sciences, Gastroenterology, Takeda

"I was very impressed by the level of engagement and commitment of our leaders during our work with TLD Group. The program mobilized leaders to have a more system-wide view, work to solve high priority system issues, and obtain input and buy-in from key stakeholders. The program has set the stage for stronger administration/physician leader collaboration going forward.

US Dept of VA

David Shulkin, MD
Former US Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs and President of Morristown Medical Center

"My coach was extremely helpful with looking at things from different perspectives. Moreover, she provided the insight and wisdom to remind me to be mindful, not reactionary. She helped me to think certain situations through. I felt at ease and very open with my coach. I chose my coach because I felt she possessed professional integrity; that was the right call."

Yale copy

Diane Kelly
Executive Vice President, Yale New Haven Health

"It’s been said that the best gifts are those you don’t expect. There’s no better example than the results of my work with The Leadership Development Group. Candidly, I expected the usual formulaic inventory of strengths and weaknesses. I received a lesson in the practical application of perception in the workplace, and how insightful coaching can open doors to new ways of approaching situations and communicating more effectively. I’m a believer and I heartily recommend TLD Group.

Atlantic Health System

Joseph DiPaolo, FACHE
President at the Western Region of Atlantic Health System

"One of my favorite experiences during the Academy has been the ability to work with a phenomenal team that I may not have otherwise had the opportunity to collaborate with. Time spent learning about yourself, learning about clinical leadership, learning about the issues that are impacting physicians today, and developing relationships with your colleagues and administration, is a win-win from all perspectives.”

Tower Health

Vinit Shah, DO
Chief of Palliative Medicine, Tower Health

"With the help of The Leadership Development Group, we were able to shift from a reactive succession planning process (replacement-focused) to a proactive, future-oriented process with the intent to build a pool of leaders who have new future-oriented competencies to lead the organization in any job.  We are thoughtfully building our talent to be positioned for future success.

New Jewish Home copy

Audrey Weiner, PhD
President and CEO, The New Jewish Home

"TLD Group grasps the strategic talent management issues and priorities facing an organization.  The faculty possesses excellent diagnosticians and coaches/consultants who have the requisite commercial sagacity that truly differentiates them among other consulting firms. I recommend TLD Group without reservation.


Ed B. Piccolino, Ph.D.
Chairman of Blue Man Group

“There is always uncertainty when a new leader joins a pre-existing team. Both the leader and his or her new team members want to make a strong first impression, set expectations for each other, develop a routine for how they’ll work together, and so on. TLD Group’s new leader integration process ensures that time is dedicated to the team's needs and the new leader's needs.”

NY Pres

Andrea Procaccino
Chief Learning Officer, New York Presbyterian Health

“I have worked with TLD Group for many years supporting executive coaching engagements and onboarding programs for leaders at Sanofi. Their coaching cadre is exceptional, and their client relationship team takes the time and effort to identify coaches that meet the business need of our senior leaders.”


Christine Vaccola
Head of Global Talent, Executive at Sanofi

“Efforts to enhance the health of the communities we serve is a huge undertaking, and this requires leaders to demonstrate an ecosystem view by focusing resources on understanding the needs of their community.”

St Barnabas

Barry Ostrowsky, JD
President & CEO at RWJBarnabas Health

“A group has to have the right culture to be able to make a quality partnership. When evaluating whether a potential partner is a good fit, I first look at their leadership team and how they think.”


Jeffrey Le Benger, MD
Board Chair and CEO of Summit Medical Group

“I have had to learn to develop patience with the process. I’m a critical care nurse by background, and so I’ve spent many years taking care of the sickest of the sick. It's my nature and inclination to make decisions with the best available information that I have… I’ve had to learn that not everyone thinks like that, some people are much more data driven…”


Lorie Shoemaker, DHA
SVP and Chief Nursing Officer at CHI Texas

“Working through tension points to align on interests takes quite a bit of discussion… You have to dig deeper than the “what” to discover the reasons that are aligned. It is only then that parties can work to find a solution that’s mutually beneficial… which can only occur when there’s mutual respect, transparency, authenticity, willingness to listen, and a bit of humility.”

Kaiser Permanente

Roland Lyon, MD
President of Kaiser Permanente Colorado

“The healthcare system is under a period of dynamic change where issues of affordability, cost, and value are rising to the forefront… The solution in many respects is innovative biopharmaceuticals. But too often we’re seen as the problem, and so we have to change the conversation… to get that done we have to become an integrated, collaborative partner in this health ecosystem.”


Josh Ofman, MD
Former SVP of Global Value, Access, and Policy at Amgen

“We need many more people with the ability to foster cross-sector collaboration. This is a skill set that can be developed. The reason these leadership skill sets are so important is because once you create an understanding and accurate perceptions, a lot of the resistance barriers dissipate quickly. I would say that we would all make progress if we had more people who had the skills and capabilities to reach across sectors and put themselves in the other side’s shoes.”

walmart health-1


David Carmouche, MD
Senior VP, Omnichannel Care Offerings, Walmart Health

“Gaining buy-in from stakeholders is really all about making sure their concerns are heard and addressed. Do that and you’ll alleviate a lot of tensions.”

Palomar Health-1

Bob Hemker
Previous President and CEO at Palomar Health

“In finding collaborative solutions with diverse companies, we must embrace that while our respective companies may differ on some issues, we clearly share common ground on other issues…”

GSK copy

Tanisha Carino, PhD
Former VP of US Public Policy at GlaxoSmithKline

“All players in the ecosystem share the goal of providing higher quality, more accessible, more affordable care to the people we serve… Unless we begin to see partnerships with shared accountability and coordination of functions across the various players, we’re not going to advance to the next level. It’s time for a new model.”


Craig Samitt, MD, MBA
Former CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

“When you bring together two large organizations around a common mission, it takes a lot of time to truly grasp the concept and understand what each organization is going to bring to the table. It’s an arduous process where every area of the organization is involved in the discussion.”


Mohamed Diab, MD
Former VP of Provider Transformation at Aetna

“The problems facing the health industry today are far too complex and wide-ranging for any one sector to solve independently… the solutions needed to change healthcare and health outcomes significantly start with the leaders who embody a clear vision and who demonstrate the skills required to work collaboratively across multiple and disparate sectors in the industry.”

Institute for InterGroup Understanding

George Halvorson, PhD
Chairman and CEO, Institute for Intergroup Understanding

“Even if the system will never have a single blueprint to guide it forward, leaders do have access to a formula that works. The healthcare ecosystem leadership model is such a formula, and the leaders who adopt it with passionate intent will be poised to address both the challenges and the opportunities of teaming across sectors to transform healthcare.”


Amy Edmondson, PhD
Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School

“Driving value is not just a tagline- it’s an actionable event. By transforming ourselves, we transform others, taking the well-being of our nation seriously.”

Central Oregon Health Council

Donna Mills
Executive Director at Central Oregon Health Council

“Learning leaders take the time to consider what worked, what didn’t work, and how they can take what they’ve learned from the experience and try something different. Developing leaders with this capacity should be on the forefront of our attention.”


Matthew Guy
Senior Project Consultant Rethink Health

“I learned much from TLD Group’s very talented panel of speakers, which included nationally renowned authors, professors, and thought leaders like Carrie Kish, PhD, Dave Logan, PhD, Drew Lawson, MD, Steve Beeson, MD, and Amy Edmondson, Ph.D.”


Sandra Murray, PhD
Chief Learning Officer, CommonSpirit

“I really can't speak highly enough about my TLD Group coach, Fredia, --the development plan I developed with her guidance was exactly what I needed to envision where I wanted to be in a year (which was daunting--and then get there (which made it seem completely doable). In addition to our check-ins on my plan, we discuss various challenges in depth, and how to broaden new opportunities. She's someone I can "run something by" and who's also willing to roll up her sleeves and work with me to better communicate my ideas." 


Julie H.
VP and Head, Clinical Sciences, Hematology, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

“TLD Group was a great agency to work with for professional development. Everything was seamless throughout the engagement. Excellent coach and experience. Would highly recommend"


Chief Nursing Officer

"It was worth the investment LifeSource made in coaching to bring our Executive Team to a new level in light of legacy leadership leaving the organization, an interim CEO role, and preparation for a new CEO coming on board. The Executive Team has "sparkle" to it, we engage in healthy conflict, work hard, and do so with appreciation of the others on the team. We have not missed a beat since our CEO retired, Executives are engaged and in-action. Kristin leaving the organization in the midst of the coaching process was appropriate and frankly, needed."


Peter Farstad
Interim CEO, LifeSource

I cannot say enough about how my coaching experience impacted me. I have gained so much more confidence in my ability to lead at this level of Executive Leadership which has had a positive impact on my team. I have recently engaged in a couple of activities that I believe has had a positive impact on my team and will lead us to be more influential in our organization because we have started down a path that has made us more cohesive.

UMass Memorial


Key Leader
UMass Memorial Medical Center