“Efforts to enhance the health of the communities we serve is a huge undertaking, and this requires leaders to demonstrate an ecosystem view by focusing resources on understanding the needs of their community.”
“Efforts to enhance the health of the communities we serve is a huge undertaking, and this requires leaders to demonstrate an ecosystem view by focusing resources on understanding the needs of their community.”
“A group has to have the right culture to be able to make a quality partnership. When evaluating whether a potential partner is a good fit, I first look at their leadership team and how they think.”
“I have had to learn to develop patience with the process. I’m a critical care nurse by background, and so I’ve spent many years taking care of the sickest of the sick. Its my nature and inclination to make decisions with the best available information that I have… I’ve had to learn that not everyone thinks like that, some people are much more data driven…”
“Gaining buy-in from stakeholders is really all about making sure their concerns are heard and addressed. Do that and you’ll alleviate a lot of tensions”
“Working through tension points to align on interests takes quite a bit of discussion… You have to dig deeper than the “what” to discover the reasons that are aligned. It is only then that parties can work to find a solution that’s mutually beneficial… which can only occur when there’s mutual respect, transparency, authenticity, willingness to listen, and a bit of humility”
“We need many more people with the ability to foster cross-sector collaboration. This is a skill set that can de developed. The reason these leadership skillsets are so important is because once you create an understanding and accurate perceptions, a lot of the resistance barriers dissipate quickly. I would say that we would all make progress if we had more people who had the skills and capabilities to reach across sectors and put themselves in the other side’s shoes”
Artificial Intelligence and new technologies such as telehealth are changing the way care is delivered. Patients and regulators alike are demanding new solutions, and the ever-evolving transition to value-based care has created new metrics for reimbursement to which providers must align their strategy. Healthcare in this new environment requires a fundamentally different approach, and organizations must adapt and evolve their strategy to perform under these new conditions. With this comes urgency to identify and develop a new breed of clinical leaders and healthcare executives who can effectively position their organizations for success. We have worked with many prestigious healthcare clients to prepare physicians, nurses, executives, and academicians to be leaders and change agents in their organizations.
Chat with us today to learn more about our provider leadership development programs.
Customized assessment and coaching programs are designed to have a significant impact on leadership performance, executive selection, onboarding, and succession management. At TLD Group we use reliable, objective methodologies that are highly predictive of future performance, including a variety of proven psychometric tests and tools that have been well validated for the purpose of assessment.
Learn MoreTLD Group’s Consulting Solutions include strategic succession management, team acceleration, and talent development consulting. Working with our highly experienced cadre of organizational development consultants with deep expertise in the design and deployment of innovative solutions, our clients are able to identify future leaders, reliably evaluate skills and competencies, swiftly develop requisite leadership skills, and establish priorities for individual, team, and organizational development.
Read MoreTLD Group has developed a unique approach to group leadership programs based upon our multi-faceted development philosophy which incorporates interactive classroom training, individual assessment and coaching, and on-the-job action learning projects. Our large scale leadership programs are designed for specific leadership cohorts (such as emerging leaders, leaders of leaders, dyad leaders, physician leaders, board members, etc.).
Read MoreThe Leadership Development Group’s Speakers Bureau is comprised of our esteemed faculty of academicians, leading physician and healthcare executives, and motivational speakers who custom design and expertly deliver leading insights and cutting edge learning sessions. Our faculty contributes thought-provoking content, encourages participation, and helps to build consensus. Whether you are planning a keynote address, a one-day seminar, a multi-day board retreat, or a conference for hundreds of executives, our Speakers Bureau provides access to high caliber, experienced faculty who have “been there, done that.”
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