Leadership and Team Development
in the Payer Sector

“All players in the ecosystem share the goal of providing higher quality, more accessible, more affordable care to the people we serve… Unless we begin to see partnerships with shared accountability and coordination of functions across the various players, we’re not going to advance to the next level. It’s time for a new model”


Craig Samitt, MD, MBA
CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

“When you bring together two large organizations around a common mission, it takes a lot of time to truly grasp the concept and understand what each organization is going to bring to the table. It’s an arduous process where every area of the organization is involved in the discussion”


Mohamed Diab, MD
former VP of Provider Transformation at Aetna

“To get others engaged in collaboration, as often as I can, I align the ask with my personal story…”

Kaiser Permanente

Julie Miller-Phipps
President, Southern California Health Plan and Hospitals at Kaiser Permanente

“The ability to accept diverse backgrounds, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives is pivotal. You have to go into these conversations with the recognition that the people you’re working with bring as much to the table as you do and listen to their unique input”


Andrew Baskin, MD
VP and national medical director for quality and clinical policy at Aetna

Empowering Leaders Across the Payer Sector:
Navigating Talent Development Challenges

Health insurers are being called upon to collaborate with providers, drug companies, the communities they serve, and employers to design innovative payment models in this rapidly evolving era of value-based contracting. Leaders in this space will need to demonstrate creativity, innovation, and agility to enable their organizations to transform and adapt to the shift to value, while simultaneously exercising the influence others both internal and external to their organization in adopting change. We work with our payer clients to enable their leaders to build the leadership capacity to build collaborative solutions and enhance performance in this changing and dynamic environment.

Chat with us today to learn more about our team development solutions in the payer sector.



Customized assessment and coaching programs are designed to have a significant impact on leadership performance, executive selection, onboarding, and succession management. At TLD Group we use reliable, objective methodologies that are highly predictive of future performance, including a variety of proven psychometric tests and tools that have been well validated for the purpose of assessment.

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TLD Group’s Consulting Solutions include strategic succession management, team acceleration, and talent development consulting. Working with our experienced cadre of OD consultants with deep expertise in the design and deployment of innovative solutions, our clients are able to identify future leaders, evaluate skills and competencies, and develop requisite leadership skills.

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TLD Group has developed a unique approach to group leadership programs based upon our multi-faceted development philosophy which incorporates interactive classroom training, individual assessment and coaching, and on-the-job action learning projects. Our large scale leadership programs are designed for specific leadership cohorts (such as emerging leaders, leaders of leaders, dyad leaders, physician leaders, board members, etc.).

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Whether you are planning a keynote address, a one-day leadership development seminar, a multi-day board retreat, or a learning workshop for your organization, TLD Group's faculty of credentialed keynote speakers, academicians, and OD consultants deliver thought-provoking content to engage participants, create interactive dialogue, and build shared learnings. We partner with you to design workshops that engage and inspire.