Identifying and retaining future leaders is critical to any organization’s success. TLD Group’s Strategic Succession Management process positions organizations for their future success by:
- Establishing a process to regularly evaluate talent based on needs and expectations.
- Proactively identifying development opportunities and gaps in skills and competencies.
- Positioning organizations for the future by forcing them to think about future-oriented leadership competencies.
- Enabling companies to be thoughtful about creating and developing their talent bench.
TLD Group’s Strategic Succession Management includes the following components:
- Identify the organization’s strategic priorities for the future: Smart companies are building for volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity.
- Establish a future-based competency model: The model serves to drive culture and leadership development. In addition to succession planning, the model often times is used for recruitment, selection and performance management.
- Develop success profiles for all senior leadership roles: The profiles include behavioral and job competencies as well as leadership expectations for each role.
- Facilitate a Talent Review process: The process enables organizations to select and develop the next generation of leaders and/or determine if key roles need to be filled with external candidates.
- Set the stage for future development: Following the Talent Review process, we work with clients to facilitate a development planning process including coaching, training and stretch assignments.
- Sustainability: We design sustainability approaches to ensure that the succession planning process becomes a consistent part of the talent management framework.